I was talking with Elisa from The Metamodern Librarian, she's a Moshfegh fan too, and she likes all her novels. Can you recommend one to start with? Also have you read Nell Zink? Mislaid and The Wall creeper are great.

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Ooooh. Hmm, I've only completed Lapvona and am working my way through Year of Rest & Relaxation atm. I gotta say, I definitely like Lapvona more. I'm personally finding YoRR a bit of a slog, tbh =\ But it depends on what you have the stomach for, really! Lapvona is set in medieval times, so it's more savage and gruesome (and some pretty weird shit happens), whereas the body horror in YoRR leans more towards mental health-induced uncleanliness. I find all the characters unlikable and irredeemable as well (more so in YoRR than Lapvona), so that's something you might want to consider! All that said, I'd recommend Lapvona, purely because it's quite different from anything I've ever read before.

And Mislaid sounds super interesting, although the reviews seem mixed on Goodreads. But I'm a sucker for anything mid 20th century, so I'm definitely going to check it out! Thanks for the rec xx

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Happy new year! I enjoyed this!

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Thank you so much for reading :) Wishing you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas and happy New Year as well!

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